ORIC Objectives

ORIC Objectives

ORIC Office at INU is being established to link research and commercialization from with emerging and existing entrepreneur firms across Pakistan and around the world. As an umbrella Work closely with the researchers, and on campus or off campus Incubators, the office also serves as a conduit to local, regional and federal partners to ensure research results aid the growth of Pakistan’s economy. ORIC office will develop its mechanism for research commercialization and will establish a Business/Technology Incubator to work closely for innovation and entrepreneurship.

ORIC consist upon three important wings:

Research Development and operation b. Innovation c. Research Commercialization/entrepreneurship. It is expected that ORIC in INU would work on commercialization of research and helping startups to incubate, grow, create new jobs, products, services, markets, carry out innovation and bring in funding. They will be expected to: I. Secure funds for contractual research II. Generate Revenues from Research commercialization/ Technology Transfer III. Secure Investments for Incubates IV. Create Jobs and Internships ORIC activities will revolve around the following research cycle to ensure research impact on economy and society.

  • Fund raising for research
  • Provide information to faculty about various available research grants
  • Link faculty with relevant industry
  • Help and guide on patent filing and licensing
  • Interface between faculty and the commercial sector
  • Work with patent counsel to assess patentability/licensing
  • Evaluate markets for commercialization of inventions
  • Identify potential licensees
  • Negotiate terms of licenses
  • Assist with negotiating problematic sponsored research agreements
  • Help faculty start companies