
All the students are required to have secured a “PASS” grade in the following courses Surveying and Leveling-I Surveying and Leveling-II


The duration for the completion of survey camp is 3 weeks, including 2 weeks of field work and one week office work. <


Survey camp is pre-requisite for the award of degree and a certificate will be issued to student passing survey camp by chairman of department. A viva will be conducted at the end of survey camp by In-charge survey camp and group instructor from each group and grades will be awarded to each student. Students not appeared in survey camp OR have secured “FAIL” grade in survey camp will not be allowed for the award of degree.

Marks Distribution:

All the students are to be graded in the following manner Group Instructor = 60% marks In-Charge Survey camp = 40% marks

Number of Students per group:

A maximum of 6 students shall be allowed in a single group subject to the approval by In-Charge Survey camp.